The progress of new technologies, and the development of these, and has continued to expand the range of possibilities of citizen collaboration to carry out solidarity actions. In recent years, we have seen, such as the care of the environment has become a huge concern, particularly for the younger generations.
According to the ‘Report Youth España 2020’, developed by INJUVE young adults, between the ages of 14 and 29 years, 76% of the respondents is shown to be more concerned and sensitive to the policies and attitudes to the environment.
As a result of this situation, there have been numerous applications and web portals that have been developed in order to carry out collective actions in seeking to improve the planet on which we live. Here you have four applications that you will be able to find ideas to take care of the environment, and to share it with vuestr friends and conocid@s.
- Forest
In the beginning, this application sought help you get and keep healthy levels of concentration and disconnect virtual. So, while the app was active, I was going to grow a virtual forest with different trees and plants. If the user were making use your device to access the other apps, the trees died and the forest disappeared. In relation to the amount of time that is effective to maintain the concentration, each user could be collecting virtual coins. This initiative, which is a priori not had a real impact on the environment, has been becoming an action that has crossed the screen and has managed to plant more than 400,000 real trees, but how?
Users of this application have collaborated with the organization Trees for the Future, which is dedicated to planting trees in areas that have been grass of the massive deforestation. Thus, of the 145 million trees planted by the organization, almost half a million have emerged from this app, in which users have enabled the option of desvirtualizar your action and get to reforest large plots of land.
- Wibeee
By using this application we can get an electronic device that, when connected to a power outlet and through the use of Wifi connection, being reports of information about the power consumption of each home. So, in our Smartphone we will be able to get reports of our energy consumption and alerts in the event that we have exceeded the limits of consumption that we’ve previously configured. So we make sure to consume more efficiently and sustainably, and to control the invoice of light.
- Metas sostenibles
This application seeks to ensure that users can access to a large number of actions focused on sustainability following the principle of the 4RS: “Reuse what you can, recycle what cannot, reduce what you have, and reject what you don’t need to”.
Through a system of tasks, such as do not use elevators, use of means of public transport, or consume products of second hand, the user can mark those milestones you go getting. Also, we propose a series of tips and tips to live a day-to-day more sustainable.
- Arbolapp
In this app, promoted by the Government of Spain, the Spanish national research council and the Royal Botanic Garden, images appear didactic and useful information about thousands of species of herbaceous and arboreal of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
Users can learn to recognize native species, learn about the care of trees, or the protection of natural spaces. With a language that is going to fluctuate between scientific rigor and simple explanations, the user is able to learn all the details about the thousands of species that appear in the app. It is very useful to learn about nature and the different ways in which we protect it.
Sources: Government of Spain, CSIC, Infobae, and INJUVE.