Category: Research

June 5 marks World Environment Day, which takes more than half a century to be held up to become one of the global platforms with greater scope in favor of environmental causes. In specified date, we seek to bring to fore the protection and care of the environment as the purpose and common destiny international initiatives in which you can participate.

As the United Nations to warn, to solve the climate crisis in which we find ourselves, it is necessary that governments, the private sector, the Third Sector and other stakeholders to amplify and implement effective measures and immediate.

9 thresholds

Recently, on the eve of this day, we received a new touch of care: seven of the nine thresholds that define the environmental deterioration have been exceeded. An international investigation has determined that we have crossed red lines that will impact the well-being and safety of our earth system.

The report, published in the journal Nature, discusses different environmental indicators, with the objective of diagnosing the situation on our planet. According to experts, to have exceeded these limits can have serious consequences both for us and for future generations.

The nine boundaries analyzed in the research were predefined in 2009 by a wide group of scientists. Its purpose was to establish a map that frame the parameters in which human beings can live safely in the Land. It is the following:

  • The destruction of the ozone layer
  • Climate change
  • The destruction of the biosphere
  • Chemical pollution
  • The acidification of the oceans
  • The cycles of phosphorus and nitrogen
  • The consumption of fresh water
  • The changes in land use
  • Loads of atmospheric aerosols

Currently, the only two that still have not been exceeded are:

  • Chemical pollution
  • The acidification of the oceans

Why and how to take action for the climate

These data, although troubling, are not seeking to discourage the struggle for the care of the environment, but to invite to take urgent action to address these problems, call us, stressing that the mission for a sustainable life in harmony with nature is as relevant as ever.

Every contribution, action, idea, initiative and activity, as small as it seems to us, is important. Aligned with this thinking, we create the platform for Climate Action, which seeks to be a space for citizens and NGOS to share information, discuss and act on the climate crisis. This digital tool you have as a flag to encourage the creation of actions that are respectful and committed to the care of the environment.

We invite you to add, share, and take action for the climate we don!