Category: Recycling

With increasing environmental awareness and many of us try to reduce our footprint and impact on the nature also increase in number in the ‘Fakenews’ and messages by malicious that question if it really is necessary to take into account as much as the environment. Surprising as it may seem, this happens more often than we think and a clear example are the ‘hoaxes’ that exist in relation to recycling. To help dismantle these lies, Sputnik has compiled some of the myths spread about recycling and about the proper way to separate our junk.

1. Recycling uses more energy than the manufacturing

The Environmental Protection Agency of the US proves that it is not true. According to the agency saves 95% of energy with the recycling of aluminum cans, between 60% and 74% in the case of the metal cans and 60% with the paper.

2. The plastic bags can be recycled

One of the myths most popular is that these everyday items can be recycled. But the reality is different. Most of the factories recycling doesn’t want to know anything about plastic bags because of the technical processes involved in the separation of materials that are recycled are complicated.

3. You can only recycle once

There is a myth that the materials can be recycled only once. This is true only partially, since there is some variability between the different materials in terms of the possibility of recycling it several times.

4. The materials that are thrown must be in good condition

It is not necessary that the bottles are without a bend or cans of crystal does not have defects, since all these materials are crushed into tiny fragments during the recycling process. But there is one exception: in the case of throwing out broken glass in a recycling container without separating, it is best to wrap them in a newspaper, or put them in a cardboard box for the employees of the recycling plant is not cut off.

5. Recycling could solve the overproduction of the trash

There is currently a serious problem of residual generation and accumulation of waste produced globally is completely unsustainable and the management of this waste, in general, quite poor.
Without a doubt the recycling significantly decreases the accumulation of trash, since that repurposed materials are not sent to the landfill and given a second life in the form of useful things. But the main solution lies in the previous step: in the phase of creation of this garbage, which should decrease urgently.

And now that you know a little more about recycling, we encourage you to continue sharing with us your actions and ideas that help boost the rule of the 4RS: Reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover.

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